Master Your Money sermon series featuring videos from Ron Blue

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Master Your Money

5 Principles from America’s Premiere Financial Planner

Master Your Money is a 4-week series that asks us to consider whether we’re making common mistakes with the money God has entrusted to us – and if so, how to start making better decisions.  Best-Selling author and top financial advisor Ron Blue shares insights and principles from his book, “Master Your Money: A Step-by-Step Plan for Experiencing Financial Contentment.”  The resources provided for this sermon series include brief video conversations between Ron Blue and Kevin Myers, in which the two teach us how to apply biblical principles to money management.

The resources below will help your church examine the question of how Christians should manage their money in a biblical and God-honoring way. This 4-week series looks at the following principles:

  • Week 1: “Spend Less Than You Earn” – Every spending decision is a spiritual decision.

  • Week 2: “Avoid The Use of Debt” – To avoid the use of debt we must learn to not be impulsive, to be patient, and to protect our savings.

  • Week 3: “Give Generously” – We need to give in order to break the power of money.  You can love God and have money, but you can’t love money and have God.

  • Week 4: “Set Long-Term Goals” – Four things to know for setting long-term financial goals

Special thanks to 12 Stone Church for their permission to use materials from Kevin Myers’ sermon series on Master Your Money in preparation of these resources.

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