Financial Wisdom Ministry Beta Group


We’re so glad you are joining the Financial Wisdom Ministry (FWM) Beta Group.

In partnership with pastors, Christian financial professionals, and faith-based finance and stewardship organizations we have begun building a comprehensive FWM that integrates biblical financial wisdom into the discipleship of Christians across the lifespan, at every level of financial health and through key life events.


This ministry will help you lead your congregation on a financial faith journey that will increase their financial health, stewardship, and generosity, and it will help your church become a center of financial wisdom.


As a member of this FWM beta group you will have early access to several key benefits…

  • Updates on emerging tools and program for building an FWM.

  • Orientation to the key elements of a comprehensive FWM strategy.

  • Engagement with thought leaders and lead practitioners about key financial health, stewardship, and generosity principles and practices.

  • … and the chance to jump in now as an FWM Pilot Church and help us build this ministry.

Ready to get involved?

Join the FWM Beta Group

Click below to join our FWN Beta Group for updates on the development of financial discipleship resources for your church.

Become an FWM Pilot Church

Click here to learn how to become an FWM Pilot Church and help your church become the center of financial wisdom.

We’re excited to walk this journey with you and shape the future of financial wisdom ministry together.

Financial Wisdom Starter Pack

The Financial Wisdom Starter Pack can help you launch a journey to integrate biblical financial wisdom into your church, business, or community. The starter pack equips you with valuable resources, whether you are establishing a financial discipleship ministry in your congregation, creating a learning journey for members of your business, or developing a training program to impact your community.

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