Most high school students graduate without being equipped with a basic understanding of personal finance and how they can live out their faith through their finances. The Biblical Personal Finance curriculum is a principle-driven personal course to equip high school students with the perspectives, principles, and processes to apply biblical wisdom to their financial decision making.

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Biblical Personal Finance Testimonial Association of Christian Schools International

Curriculum Overview


$27.50 per student: provides access to all student and teacher resources


Rooted in a biblical worldview, the Biblical Personal Finance Curriculum is a principle-driven personal finance course teaching:

  • The implications of believing God owns it all
  • The roles, responsibilities, and rewards of financial stewardship as defined by scripture
  • Five transcendent financial decision-making principles found in the Bible
  • How money is intertwined with biblical teachings on contentment, generosity, self-control, provision, gratitude, freedom, etc.
  • A simple understanding of the four uses of money (live, give, owe (debt and taxes), grow) and the biblical principles that inform each use
  • Processes for personal application, including goal setting, decision making, and basic budgeting

The Biblical Personal Finance Curriculum is a six-module course, designed to take six to eight weeks to teach. It is aimed at the junior or senior level. Teachers will have access to an online portal that provides lesson plans, project outlines, test and quiz questions, an editable workbook, PowerPoint decks, and parent engagement suggestions.

The course was developed over a three year period (2015 – 2017) in collaboration with current high school teachers and in partnership with several Beta schools.

Modules Overview

Module 1: Stewardship
  • Module One covers perspectives and principles of stewardship, including a definition of biblical stewardship, discussion around how God uses money in our lives, and lessons from the Parable of the Talents. It reveals the power of a wisdom worldview in all decision-making, including financial.
Module 2: Principles and a Pie
  • Module Two covers five fundamental biblical decision making principles that can be applied in any economic scenario and at any income level. Then, it introduces the “Live, Give, Owe, Grow” model that will frame the rest of the curriculum.
Module 3: Live
  • Module Three teaches about the biggest piece of our spending pie, lifestyle. It looks at the question of how much is enough and unpacks biblical teaching on lifestyle decisions, informed by 1 Timothy’s teaching on provision, contentment, and enjoyment.
Module 4: Give
  • Module Four teaches about giving with the basic premise that giving breaks the power of money. In it, students learn about the treasure principle and engage in discussions about “why give?”, “where give?”, and “how much to give?”. This module is designed to be one of self-discovery, interaction, and hands on application.
Module 5: Owe
  • Module Five unpacks owing, looking at both debt and taxes. Given that debt always mortgages the future, the module teaches the power of compounding and applies it to specific scenarios such as car debt and credit card debt. Taxes are taught in the context of understanding types of taxes and framing them as a way to honor governmental authority and to give thanks to God for His provision.
Module 6: Grow
  • Module Six explores saving from a biblical perspective, tying it back to goal setting and to living out of God given priorities and objectives. The key diagram in this module is the “Sequential Investing Diagram” that offers a step-by-step approach to short and long term savings. Module Six also looks at the process for setting faith goals.


What others are saying:

The course, Biblical Personal Finance, is a key element in our Junior year Bible curriculum. The journey of seeing how we are to be good stewards with everything God has given us culminates with viewing the resources God has given us as a privilege to manage. The concepts and principals that are given to our students in this curriculum will be lifelong, practical tools in helping them view their finances from a biblical perspective. I highly recommend this curriculum to any school that wants to challenge their students to think critically about how they should view their finances.

Jeff Amann
Bible Department Chair, Whittier Christian High School

Each year that I teach this course, I get more feedback from the parents on how they absolutely love this course and wish they would have had the same when they were headed to college. The students are amazed at the topics and their eyes are opened to begin to plan for aspects in their own finances such as giving, credit/debt, taxes, and savings. As a teacher, I love the depth of the curriculum and plan to keep teaching it to equip our Senior classes for college.

Tom Earle
Coordinator of Missions and Student Life, The Woodlands Christian Academy

Last year we incorporated Ron Blue Institute’s Biblical Personal Finance into our existing Economics course at Prestonwood Christian Academy. We have always taught personal finance as a part of our introduction to Economics, but the materials provided by Ron Blue changed the way we approached the subject, giving the students a much richer experience. An integral part of the course is the emphasis on stewardship that sets the foundation for their view of money and other gifts and talents they have been given. Once that foundation was set and they gained a better understanding of the fact that God owns everything, we were seamlessly able to incorporate the rest of economics and personal finance into our curriculum. Our students especially enjoyed the Live, Give, Owe, Grow sections of the curriculum, culminating with a personal finance project. This brought the practical aspects of personal finance to them in a personal way. I highly recommend this curriculum as an integral part of an Economics class!

Ami Stephens
History Department Chair, Prestonwood Christian Academy

Ron Blue Personal Finance has been a vital component in our Bible curriculum for years here at GAC. Scripture is our guide for faith and practice, and what I love about BPF’s approach is that it’s firmly grounded in Scripture. It’s not just Biblical sound bites or proof-texts, but the story of the gospel that animates the course, how our self-giving God is conforming us into the image of Jesus and leading us to live out that self-giving even in our finances. It’s a rich experience that I wish could have had as a high school student!

Dr. Paul Cable
Bible Department Chair, Greater Atlanta Christian School