Find Joy and Freedom in a Life of Surrender

It's time to wake up
Most of us say we want to walk closer with God, but when you examine our lives that desire isn’t very evident. Why don’t we consistently live how we say we want to live? In this book, Michael Blue offers a gentle wake-up call for Christians living in the affluent West. He calls us to examine the call of Jesus and the barriers to walking closely with Him. He exhorts us to take seriously the call of Jesus and to order our lives in such a way that draws us nearer to our Savior and presents a compelling witness to our watching neighbors. Will you join us in examining the actual call of Jesus and see clearly the choice He presents?
Will you say yes to Jesus's call to total surrender?
“The better I know Michael Blue, the more I appreciate how much thought he’s given to what it means to follow Jesus. Michael is insightful, honest, and sensitive to Christ and His kingdom priorities. In Free to Follow, he gives a Christ-centered wake-up call that can help you lose your life, and in the process, find it.”
Randy Alcorn
Author — Money, Possessions and Eternity, Managing God’s Money and The Treasure Principle
“Free to Follow is an outstanding book! Michael Blue makes a compelling case for followers of Christ to surrender to Him and whole heartedly serve the Savior. It is extraordinarily well written. This book will challenge you, convict you, and convince you that the path where you will discover ultimate joy and freedom is on the narrow road following Christ. I heartily recommend it!”
Howard Dayton
Founder — Compass - Finances God’s Way
“The way of Jesus is hard to locate in modern times. It’s even harder to navigate, so few attempt it. With remarkable clarity and biblical wisdom, Michael Blue points the way to life and unimaginable freedom and peace.”
Gary G. Hoag
President & CEO — Global Trust Partners

Podcast Episodes
MoneyWise with Rob West
Free to FollowRoots of the Money Tree
Interview with Michael BlueWesley Seminary Webinar
When Faith and Finances CollideThe Generosity Podcast
A Fresh New Resource to Help Today’s StewardsECFA: Excellence in Church Administration
Stewardship: What it is and what it isn’t!Available for Purchase Today!
Are you ready to lay down anything in your life preventing you from following Jesus? Will you shake yourself awake from the slumber of affluence into the riches of a fully surrendered life. Answer the call to hunger after God and rid yourself of any baggage that prevents that pursuit. Discover the riches of a surrendered life!