Financial Tools and Resources
Enjoy our free tools and resources designed to help you steward your resources for God's glory
Financial Tools at Your Fingertips
Do the spending habits of your students reflect the biblical faith they claim? How much money will be wasted as a result of the separation of faith and finances in their lives?
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Budgeting Tools

Pie Diagram
Excel spreadsheet for completing the Live, Give, Owe, Grow Pie Diagram. You just need 5 pieces of information to complete this worksheet.

Budget / Cash Flow Analysis
Simple Excel spreadsheet to help you create a budget.

Transaction Record
Detailed Excel spreadsheet to help you track expenses, create a pie diagram, and maintain a budget.

Creating a Spending Plan
PDF with step-by-step instructions on how to create a spending plan.

FaithFi Budgeting App
A very useful app to help you track your spending and develop a reasonable budget

Analisis del Flujo de Fondos
Hoja de cálculo de Excel simple para ayudarlo a crear un presupuesto.

Financial Planning

Four Hs of Biblical Wisdom
Four-page assessment and teaching tool to understand the basics of biblical personal finance. Explore the Heart, Health, Habits, and Hope model.

Debt Snowball
PDF tool walking you through the process for paying off debt through the debt snowball method.

Vision for the Future (Goals)
Goal setting worksheet.

Net Worth Analysis
Excel tool to help you track your net worth.

Planning Weekend for Couples
Worksheet to help you plan and conduct a goal setting weekend with your spouse.

Workshop Resources

GOIA - Teaching Outline
PDF teaching outline for a seminar based on the God Owns It All small group curriculum.

GOIA - Teaching Instructions
Instructions for teaching a seminar based on the God Owns It All small group curriculum.

GOIA - Teaching Slides
PowerPoint slides for teaching a seminar based on the God Owns It All small group curriculum.

GOIA - Listening Guide
Participant listening guide for a seminar based on the God Owns It All small group curriculum.

GOIA - Pie Diagram Handout
Pie diagram worksheet for use in a seminar based on the God Owns It All small group curriculum.

Helpful Links

Gospel Patrons

Generous Giving

Generous Church

I Like Giving

Compass: Finances God's Way