Cultivating Financial Discipleship: Heartland Church’s Transformative Journey

The Bible contains approximately 2,350 verses about money and possessions. So why don’t churches frequently preach about biblical financial wisdom? One reason, when pastors address the topic of money, people often assume they are attempting to raise additional funds or encourage giving beyond tithes and mission contributions. While churches should ask for their members to be generous, congregations also need to have conversations about money – not based only on the church’s needs but also on God’s desire to show us how using money shapes our hearts. Without that emphasis on formation, Christians who are called to be and live differently than the rest of the world are often no different when it comes to managing their finances. In fact, there is little indication that Christians are in less debt or give more generously. That’s because generosity is a result of heart transformation, not the primary driver of it.

In 2023, as Dr. Darryn Scheske and Pastor Clay Clement of Heartland Church in Fishers, Indiana, were on their way to a funeral service, God impressed upon their hearts the need to preach on finances. Pastor Clement reflected that in his nine years at Heartland, there had never been a sermon on personal finances. Recognizing the importance and the challenges of this topic, Pastor Darryn Scheske incorporated RBI’s Four Hs of Financial Wisdom into a sermon series. What began as a four-week exploration of money management evolved into a six-week series, driven by the congregation’s enthusiasm to continue learning about financial wisdom from a biblical perspective. 

Heartland Church partnered with RBI to launch small groups centered on a six-week video curriculum called God Owns It All. While it may seem simple for Christians to acknowledge that God owns everything, the reality often feels more complex. As paychecks arrive after weeks of hard work and bills continue to mount, it can be difficult to maintain the perspective that our money ultimately belongs to God. The God Owns It All curriculum explores scripture to emphasize that we are not owners but stewards of God’s wealth. This approach to financial discipleship provides a clear framework for understanding the critical difference between merely managing money and faithfully stewarding it in alignment with biblical financial wisdom. 

The first launch of the God Owns It All small groups took place in March 2024. It was the largest small group success in Heartland Church’s history. Before the launch, the staff built a strong infrastructure, identifying leaders from their congregation with strong business backgrounds and experience in discipleship. After twenty leaders were vetted and committed to volunteering, they were trained on the curriculum. The small groups launched with nearly 300 participants and people experiencing whole-life transformation. There was an increase in baptisms, and people were becoming debt-free. One group leader shared that among the ten families in his group (20 people), their giving went up by 450%.

Following the God Owns it All small groups, Heartland Church conducted an additional four-week seminar series called “Finances God’s Way.” This series taught about specific tactics to steward personal finances (such as creating a personal financial statement and an actual spending worksheet) and how to budget, save, invest, and work on a “debt snowball.” Heartland even helped convene a small team of financial coaches at the church who can work with participants interested in further help and accountability.

When asking Pastor Clement how this experience has impacted their congregation, he shared, “Several people have shared with us their progress in paying off debt, lowering their monthly spend, and stories of saving and giving more than ever before.” One family sold their $60k pickup truck and used the money to pay off all their credit card debt. After reading Master Your Money together, another couple gave all the money they had been saving for a house remodel as a gift to Heartland Church to do good in the community. Since the launch in March, Heartland has had a record year of giving, with a 35% increase year-over-year. 

In the near future, the second launch of God Owns It All small groups will take place, and even more leaders will be trained and ready to host. In fact, there are 28 leaders, and 250 participants have already signed up. Because RBI’s curriculum is also available in Spanish, two groups will be Spanish-speaking. The curriculum’s videos have closed captions, which extend the resource to those deaf and hard-of-hearing members of Heartland, as well. Pastor Clement said they anticipate having 400-500 participants with this second launch. Heartland Church could not be more excited to serve its congregation in this capacity to bring people closer to God. 

Heartland’s experience has reminded us of the power of maintaining the proper perspective on everything God has entrusted to us. This perspective helps shape a belief system that ultimately drives our financial behavior. God has much to say about finances, and churches that cultivate wise, generous disciples will find themselves experiencing freedom that impacts their whole lives. The tools and products created by RBI are focused on helping churches teach and disciple people how to align their belief systems with their financial behaviors. 

If your church would like to cultivate a culture of financial discipleship, click here for access to resources from RBI!  If you have further questions, feel free to email us at [email protected].

Learn more about Heartland Church.