Welcome Russ Gunsalus, RBI’s New CEO!

We are delighted to introduce the new Chief Executive Officer of the Ron Blue Institute, Russ Gunsalus. Russ will be the first to take on the role following Ron himself, who will remain as Founder and Ambassador.

After prayerful consideration, we are excited that God has brought RBI and Russ together for this important role and exciting next season in our mission. He has served as Vice President of RBI since January 2023. This followed a long career in Christian ministries, denominational leadership, ministerial education, and financial ministry to clergy and lay people.

“The chance to help lead Ron Blue Institute in its transformative mission is a rare honor, and getting to build God’s kingdom alongside a living legend of biblical financial wisdom like Ron Blue is more than any leader could ask. I look forward to how God will continue to guide us in the growth of RBI’s impact on Christian schools, colleges, companies, and the church.”  — Russ Gunsalus, CEO, Ron Blue Institute

Russ’s most recent role before RBI was Executive Director for Education and Clergy Development (ECD) for The Wesleyan Church, where he provided strong leadership in support of clergy and lay ministers and the denomination’s five universities and seminary. Among his many accomplishments there, Russ founded the National Flourishing in Ministry Conference, led The Gathering Conference for thriving clergy, and established the Thrive Financial Initiative, designed to help pastors overcome financial challenges. 

The shared missional alignment with Ron’s career is clear. Ron provided unprecedented leadership in Christian financial well-being when he founded his financial planning firm, Ronald Blue & Company, in 1979. In 2003, he focused his attention on financial professionals when he established Kingdom Advisors, taking the message of biblical financial wisdom to influential leaders in the church community. His ministry to individual Christians and churches has included 26 books, the six-part Master Your Money video series used in over 5,500 churches, and much more.

“We are so blessed that God brought Russ Gunsalus to us. He and I share the values of biblical financial wisdom. Each of us has dedicated his career to advancing those values through the church and throughout society. I couldn’t have dreamed up a better choice to take over as CEO of the Ron Blue Institute. Russ has my enthusiastic support and deepest confidence.” — Ron Blue

Before serving in leadership for The Wesleyan Church, Russ has served Indiana Wesleyan University as an associate professor in the School of Ministry and Theology and Chair of Graduate Studies. He was also the co-creator and founding Chief Operating Officer of Wesley Seminary.

Russ holds a bachelor’s degree in theology from Oklahoma Wesleyan University, an M.Div. from Asbury Theological Seminary, and he is a Ph.D. candidate (ABD) in American Studies at Purdue University.

Russ lives in Marion, Indiana with his wife, Erica, where they attend College Wesleyan Church. Russ enjoys hiking, traveling, fly fishing, and visiting his grandchildren.

The Ron Blue Institute has a bright future with Russ at the helm. We invite you to pray for him as he leads us, with Ron at his side, in continuing RBI’s important work of advancing biblical financial wisdom.