What is RBI?
What is the Ron Blue Institute?
Established in January 2012 as a partnership between Ron Blue and Indiana Wesleyan University, the Ron Blue Institute’s vision is to change the way Christians think, act, and communicate about financial stewardship, empowering the church and changing the world. Our goal is that every Christian in North America will understand Biblical financial principles resulting in them seeking to live simply, work diligently, and give generously for the spread of the Gospel to all nations.
The Ron Blue Institute desires:
to become the recognized national center for thought leadership in Biblical financial principles;
to serve as the Christian university home for a community of influencers on the personal, corporate, and social use of Biblical financial wisdom; and
to provide products and services to high schools, colleges, seminaries, churches, and non-profits based on Ron Blue’s articulation of Biblical financial wisdom, augmented by relevant research and thoughtful application.
God Owns It All: Long a mantra of Ron Blue, “God Owns It All”, is one of the driving principles of the Institute. Not only do we believe that God owns all of our individual money and resources, but we also believe that God owns all of our ideas and content. As a result, our top priority is seeing Biblical financial content distributed to as many people as possible across as many channels as possible. The only name that matters is the name of Jesus and we view ourselves as stewards of His wisdom.
As people begin to understand their role as a steward of God’s resources, our hope is that their lives will be transformed and marked with a contagious generosity that sparks a great revival and the spread of Jesus’ name to the ends of the earth. Understanding that money is a tool that God has blessed us with to accomplish His purposes on this earth frees us up to listen and react when God leads us to use that money to sow into His kingdom. We are so very excited about having the opportunity to teach people the timeless truths from the Bible about finances and then to sit back and watch God transform lives and change the world!!
Over the next 12 months the Ron Blue Institute and Indiana Wesleyan University plan on providing the following education resources:
Certified Financial Planner coursework and certification that integrates Biblical wisdom and counsel into the training
Masters of Business Administration with a focus in Financial Planning and an integration of Biblical wisdom and counsel into the coursework
College level financial literacy course that teaches the basics of financial stewardship and encourages students to consider what the Bible has to say about finances
College level textbook for use in college level financial education courses
High-school financial curriculum teaching students over a six-week period what God has to say about finances
Church video curriculum focusing on stewardship principles and what God’s Word says about managing finances