Five Decisions to True Financial Freedom: Lordship Decision

As I mentioned last week, Jesus promises that His truth will free us.  Our financial needs and questions are merely tools in the bigger toolbox that Jesus uses to reveal truth and to free our hearts. While you may believe that you only desire to be free from debt, financial confusion, or financial obligation, Jesus desires to free you from so much more!

The second decision on the journey is the “Lordship” decision.  Last week, I left you on the golf course where I had come into a salvation relationship with Christ.  As I say in the video below, the Lordship decision is giving God total and complete control of my life.  The decision happens when I allow Jesus to sit on the throne of my will, and I no longer sit on the throne of my own will. 

Because I came to salvation through the ministry of Campus Crusade for Christ, when I heard the gospel, I also heard the truth about making Christ Lord of my life.  In the back of the “Four Spiritual Laws” pamphlet that I had read on the way to play golf, there was a depiction of “natural” man, with self on the throne and Christ outside, a depiction of the “carnal” man, with self on the throne and Christ in my heart, and a depiction of the “spirit-filled” man, with Christ on the throne and self taking a second place in my heart.  It was clear that in order to be a true follower of Jesus, I needed to decide to follow Jesus and to submit my will to His will.  In addition to asking Jesus to be my Savior that day, I also recognized His total authority in my life. 

As I learned more about the Lordship of Christ through the further ministry of Campus Crusade, I discovered that I needed to spend time in God’s Word, listen to the voice of the Holy Spirit, stay connected to other believers, and submit my will to His will on a daily basis.  In my own life, God led me to stop swearing and to stop taking the Lord’s name in vain.  I also began to re-order my priorities toward biblical wisdom. The Lord directed me to be involved with the Body of Christ at my church and in ministry with Campus Crusade.  

Stepping down off the throne of my life and deciding to follow the leading of the Holy Spirit on a daily basis has provided the platform for God to reveal Himself in amazing ways to me.  Through that process, over the last 36 years, He has freed my heart to love Him and love others more fully each day.  Giving God control by making Jesus Lord and by following the Holy Spirit will re-orient your life in a way that no financial program, diet program, time management program, or parenting program ever can.  His “program” is the program of sanctification, and it will transform your heart for eternity.